domingo, 26 de junio de 2011

Vocabulario: Animales

bird / ave
bull / toro
cat / gato
cougar, mountain lion / puma
cow / vaca
crocodile / cocodrilo
dog / perro
dolphin / delfín
duck / pato
elephant / elefante
donkey/ burro
female / hembra
fish / pez
frog / rana
giraffe / jirafa
goat / chivo
hippo / hipopótamo
horse/ caballo (male), yegua (female)
jungle / selva
male / macho
mammal / mamífero
monkey / mono
mouse / ratón
ostrich / avestruz
peacock / pavo real
pigeon / paloma
rabbit/ conejo
rat / rata
rhino / rinoceronte
sea lion / foca
snake / serpiente
species / especie
whale / ballena
zebra / cebra
zoo / zoológico

Vocabulario: Anatomía. Partes del cuerpo

acne / acné
ankle / tobillo
arm / brazo
baby finger / meñique
back / espalda
back of the head / nuca
belly button / ombligo
bladder / vejiga
blood / sangre
body / cuerpo
body hair / vello
buttock / nalga
canine / canino
cheek / cachete, mejilla
cornea / cornea
dandruff / caspa
ears / orejas
eye / ojo
eyebrow / ceja
eyelash/ pestaña
face/ cara, rostro
feet / pies
finger / dedo
fingernail / uña
foot / pie
forehead / frente
freckles / pecas
hair / pelo
hand / mano
head / cabeza
heart / corazón
hip / cadera

sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

/i/ Pronunciation English Meeting ESL Lesson-

Symphony of Whales : Promethean Planet

Symphony of Whales : Promethean Planet

ESL Reading Exercises, Printable worksheets & Text Mazes

ESL Reading Exercises, Printable worksheets & Text Mazes

English Vocabulary - Tools

English Vocabulary - Actions - Verbs

English Vocabulary - Airports

ENGLISH ' Out and About ' everyday words

Children's English Tutorial - Vehicles and Transportation

TPR Tutorial Two

Learn English - Children's English tutorial (shapes and colors)

Learn English - First, Second, and Third Person

Learn English - Irregular Verbs

martes, 21 de junio de 2011

Real English® - What's your name? Can you spell it? Where are you from? ...

Title: Study English and Learn ESL Grammar Online : Irregular Past Forms

Learn English 04 - Directions

Learn English 03 - Families

Learn English 02 - Time time time

"A" is for Ant

Zorro Generation Z - Return to the Future part 1/7

Inglés para primero de primaria

Abre el enlace para practicar las habilidades enumeradas.

Here is a list of all of the skills students learn in first grade! The skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to see a sample question. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will even increase in difficulty as you improve!
Counting and number patterns

A.1 Counting review - 0 to 10
A.2 Counting review - up to 20
A.3 Counting tens and ones - up to 30
A.4 Counting - up to 30
A.5 Counting - up to 100
A.6 Counting tens and ones - up to 99
A.7 Skip-counting - with pictures
A.8 Counting by twos, fives, and tens - up to 100
A.9 Counting forward and backward
A.10 Number lines
A.11 Hundred chart
A.12 Identifying even and odd numbers
A.13 Which even or odd number comes before or after?
A.14 Skip-counting patterns - with tables
A.15 Sequences - count up and down by 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10
A.16 Ordinal numbers
A.17 Writing numbers in words
A.18 Roman numerals I, V, X


B.1 Addition with pictures - sums to 10
B.2 Addition sentences - sums to 10
B.3 Addition word problems - sums to 10
B.4 Word problems - write the addition sentence
B.5 Ways to make a number using addition
B.6 Ways to make a number - addition sentences
B.7 Adding zero
B.8 Adding doubles
B.9 Addition facts - sums to 10
B.10 Addition facts - sums to 18
B.11 Addition word problems - sums to 18
B.12 Complete the addition sentence
B.13 Adding three numbers
B.14 Word problems - adding three numbers
B.15 Related addition facts
B.16 Addition facts - sums to 20
B.17 Add tens I
B.18 Add tens II
B.19 Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - without regrouping
B.20 Add a one-digit number to a two-digit number - with regrouping

Addition - skill builders

C.1 Adding 0
C.2 Adding 1
C.3 Adding 2
C.4 Adding 3
C.5 Adding 4
C.6 Adding 5
C.7 Adding 6
C.8 Adding 7
C.9 Adding 8
C.10 Adding 9


D.1 Subtraction with pictures - numbers up to 10
D.2 Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 10
D.3 Subtraction word problems - one-digit numbers
D.4 Word problems - write the subtraction sentence
D.5 Ways to make a number using subtraction
D.6 Ways to make a number - subtraction sentences
D.7 Ways to subtract from a number - subtraction sentences
D.8 Subtracting zero and all
D.9 Subtracting doubles
D.10 Subtraction facts - numbers up to 10
D.11 Subtraction facts - numbers up to 18
D.12 Subtraction word problems - numbers up to 18
D.13 Complete the subtraction sentence
D.14 Related subtraction facts
D.15 Subtract tens I
D.16 Subtract tens II
D.17 Subtract one-digit numbers from two-digit numbers

Subtraction - skill builders

E.1 Subtracting 0
E.2 Subtracting 1
E.3 Subtracting 2
E.4 Subtracting 3
E.5 Subtracting 4
E.6 Subtracting 5
E.7 Subtracting 6
E.8 Subtracting 7
E.9 Subtracting 8
E.10 Subtracting 9

Mixed operations

F.1 Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number
F.2 Which sign makes the number sentence true?
F.3 Fact families
F.4 Addition and subtraction facts - numbers up to 10
F.5 Addition and subtraction facts - numbers up to 18
F.6 Addition and subtraction word problems
F.7 Ten more or less
F.8 Add and subtract tens
F.9 Addition and subtraction terms

Inglés para niños que van a entrar a kinder

Abre el enlace para practicar los puntos enumerados

Here is a list of all of the skills students learn in pre-K! The skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to see a sample question. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will even increase in difficulty as you improve!

A.1 Identify circles, squares, and triangles
A.2 Identify squares and rectangles
A.3 Identify cubes and pyramids

Count to 3

B.1 Count dots (up to 3)
B.2 Count shapes (up to 3)
B.3 Count objects (up to 3)
B.4 Represent numbers (up to 3)

Count to 5

C.1 Count dots (up to 5)
C.2 Count shapes (up to 5)
C.3 Count objects (up to 5)
C.4 Represent numbers (up to 5)

Count to 10

D.1 Count dots (up to 10)
D.2 Count shapes (up to 10)
D.3 Count objects (up to 10)
D.4 Represent numbers (up to 10)

Count to 20

E.1 Count dots (up to 20)
E.2 Count shapes (up to 20)
E.3 Count objects (up to 20)
E.4 Represent numbers (up to 20)


F.1 Compare groups (fewer or more)
F.2 Compare in a chart (fewer or more)
F.3 Compare in a mixed group


G.1 Inside and outside
G.2 Left and right
G.3 Left, middle, and right
G.4 Above and below
G.5 Top and bottom


H.1 Same
H.2 Different
H.3 Same and different
H.4 Classify by color


I.1 Long and short
I.2 Tall and short
I.3 Light and heavy
I.4 Holds more or less
I.5 Compare height, weight, and capacity
I.6 Wide and narrow


J.1 Pennies and nickels
J.2 Dimes and quarters
J.3 Pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters
J.4 Count pennies

Ingles para niños de kinder

Abre el enlace para practicar los puntos enumerados

Here is a list of all of the skills students learn in kindergarten! The skills are organized into categories, and you can move your mouse over any skill name to see a sample question. To start practicing, just click on any link. IXL will track your score, and the questions will even increase in difficulty as you improve!
Numbers and counting up to 3

A.1 Count to 3
A.2 Represent numbers - up to 3
A.3 Count by typing - up to 3

Numbers and counting up to 5

B.1 Count to 5
B.2 Represent numbers - up to 5
B.3 Count by typing - up to 5
B.4 Count up
B.5 Count down

Numbers and counting up to 10

C.1 Count to 10
C.2 Represent numbers - up to 10
C.3 Count by typing - up to 10
C.4 Count up and down - with pictures
C.5 Count up and down - with numbers
C.6 Tally marks - up to 10
C.7 Number lines - up to 10
C.8 Before, after, and between - up to 10
C.9 Count forward and backward - up to 10
C.10 Names of numbers - up to 10
C.11 Complete a sequence - up to 10

Numbers and counting up to 20

D.1 Count to 20
D.2 Represent numbers - up to 20
D.3 Count by typing - up to 20
D.4 Count up and down
D.5 Tally marks - up to 20
D.6 Number lines - up to 20
D.7 Before, after, and between - up to 20
D.8 Count forward and backward - up to 20
D.9 Names of numbers - up to 20
D.10 Complete a sequence - up to 20
D.11 Count tens and ones - up to 20

Numbers and counting beyond 20

E.1 Count to 30
E.2 Count to 100
E.3 Count groups of ten
E.4 Number lines - up to 30
E.5 Count tens and ones - up to 30


F.1 Skip-count by twos
F.2 Skip-count by fives
F.3 Skip-count by tens
F.4 Skip-count by twos, fives, and tens


G.1 Fewer, equal, and more
G.2 Fewer and more - comparing groups
G.3 Fewer and more - with charts
G.4 Fewer and more - mixed


H.1 Similar patterns
H.2 Complete missing parts of patterns
H.3 Growing patterns


I.1 Addition with pictures - sums up to 5
I.2 Add two numbers - sums up to 5
I.3 Addition sentences - sums up to 5
I.4 Addition with pictures - sums up to 10
I.5 Add two numbers - sums up to 10
I.6 Addition sentences - sums up to 10


J.1 Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 5
J.2 Subtraction - numbers up to 5
J.3 Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 5
J.4 Subtract with pictures - numbers up to 10
J.5 Subtraction - numbers up to 9
J.6 Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 10


K.1 Inside and outside
K.2 Left, middle, and right
K.3 Top, middle, and bottom
K.4 Above and below
K.5 Location in a three-by-three grid


L.1 Identify halves, thirds, fourths
L.2 Equal parts


M.1 Match clocks and times
M.2 Read clocks and write times
M.3 Times of everyday events
M.4 Match analog and digital clocks
M.5 Seasons
M.6 A.M. and P.M.

Sorting, ordering, and classifying

N.1 Same
N.2 Different
N.3 Same and different
N.4 Classify by color
N.5 Venn diagrams
N.6 Put numbers up to 10 in order
N.7 Put numbers up to 30 in order

Data and graphs

O.1 Making graphs


P.1 More or less likely


Q.1 Long and short
Q.2 Tall and short
Q.3 Light and heavy
Q.4 Holds more or less
Q.5 Compare size, weight, and capacity


R.1 Coin names - penny through quarter
R.2 Coin values - penny through quarter
R.3 Count money - pennies only
R.4 Count money - pennies and nickels
R.5 Count money - pennies, nickels, and dimes
R.6 Equivalent coins I
R.7 Equivalent coins II
R.8 Equivalent coins III
R.9 Compare two groups of coins


S.1 Identify shapes I
S.2 Identify shapes II
S.3 Identify solid figures
S.4 Relate planar and solid figures
S.5 Count sides and corners
S.6 Compare sides and corners
S.7 Geometry of everyday objects
S.8 Symmetry I
S.9 Symmetry II


T.1 Sum and difference

lunes, 20 de junio de 2011

"Alphabet Song" (Vol.1)

Phonics Song 2

Vocabulary: Describing people

Describing People


-who the person is, how you know him/her

Main body

- physical appearance

- character

- hobbies


- thoughts and feelings

Describing PEOPLE

(+) : concerned, considerate, eager, energetic, experienced, famous, friendly, generous, gifted, hard-working, honest, influential, intelligent, obedient, open-handed, open-minded, optimistic, outgoing, patient, polite, popular, reliable, responsible, self-confident, sensitive, sociable, successful, talented, well-known, willing

(-) : dishonest, impatient, impolite, inconsiderate, inexperienced, insensitive, irresponsible, lazy, narrow-minded, ordinary, pessimistic, quick-tempered, self-centered, tight-fisted, unfriendly, unpopular, unreliable, unsuccessful, untalented, unwilling

Use specific adjectives instead of common and abstract ones:

good= thrilling, wonderful, brilliant, amusing, extraordinary

bad= awful, terrible, horrible, frightening, of poor quality

big= huge, enormous, vast, immense

happy= pleased, delighted, thrilled, cheerful, in a good mood, satisfied

nice (people) = pleasant, lovely, great, charming, likeable

nice (experience) = enjoyable, lovely, delightful, unforgettable

boring = dull, monotonous

funny = amusing, humorous, witty, hilarious

clever = intelligent, ingenious